This is an Investigation initiated by WSD to identify the water loss in New Territories East Region and recommend corrective actions to be carried out. In recognition of the importance of Water Loss Management in ensuring a reliable water supply to customers and the Government’s Policy Agenda to reduce the Leakage Rate of the Government water mains from about 15% (current value) down to 10% by 2030, WSD has been establishing the Water Intelligent Network (WIN). Under WIN, the water distribution network will be divided into about 2400 discrete District Metering Areas (DMAs), each provided with monitoring and sensing equipment. In this connection, WSD has engaged Mannings to carry out a water loss investigation in a systematic manner aided by the established DMAs. The main objectives of the assignment are to identify the distribution and the exact locations of water loss, as well as determine the feasible follow-up actions so that the water loss in New Territories East Region can be effectively reduced.