This D&C Assignment is an extension to the investigation study (CE61/2012 (HY)), in which, Mannings were also engaged by HyD to carry out further investigation and design for the two sections of FKR road between Po Kin Road and Kam Tin Road. The whole of Fan Kam Road (FKR), viz. (a) the section between Po Kin Road and Lin Tong Mei (Section 1 of FKR); (b) the section between Lin Tong Mei and the International Riding Centre (Section 2 of FKR); (c) the section between the International Riding Centre and Shui Kan Shek (Section 3 of FKR); and (d) the section between Shui Kan Shek and Kam Tin Road (KTR) (Section 4 of FKR), is a substandard 5.5m wide single two-lane carriageway with total length of 7.5km with discontinuous and narrow footpath on each side of the carriageway.