Tuen Mun Road Town Centre Section (TMRTCS) is a dual 2-lane urban trunk road linking Northwest New Territories with Kowloon and Tsuen Wan. In order to cope with the continuous increase of traffic demand due to the existing, committed, and planned developments and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, widening of Tuen Mun Road to a dual 3-lane carriageway together with the construction of a flyover connecting which extends from Tuen Hing Road and runs along Tsing Hoi Circuit to merge eventually with the Tuen Mun Road Kowloon-bound carriageway is required.
The Works under this Contract consists of the following:
- Widening of the TMRTCS between Yan Oi Town Square and Wong Chu Road of approximately 1.5 km long
- Resurfacing of existing section of TMRTCS
- Construction of a single-lane flyover of approximately 450 m long
- Reconstruction of four existing footbridges
- Construction of noise barriers and enclosures
- Improvement of three existing traffic signal-controlled junctions along Castle Peak Road between Tuen Hing Road and Hoi Wing Road
Mannings (Asia) Consultants Ltd is commissioned by the Main Contractor, China Harbour Engineering Company Limited, to act as the Independent Traffic Consultant to undertake the design of all Temporary Traffic Management Scheme (TTMS) under the Highway Department Contract No. HY/2009/03 Design and Build of Traffic Improvements to Tuen Mun Road Town Centre Section.